Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Router Troubleshooting

Is Router Plugged in?

  1. Is the Router's power supply properly seated into the back of the router?

  2. Is the Router's power supply properly seated into the wall socket or power strip?

  3. Is the Router's power supply or power strip possibly plugged into a switched socket and is turned off?

  4. If using a power strip:

    1. Is the power strip properly seated into the wall socket?

    2. Is the power strip turned on and powering other devices?

    3. If the power strip has a light indicator, is it lit up?

Is the Router Powering On?

  1. Do you see the normal light indicators on the router?

Is the Router Cabling Correct?

  1. Is the Ethernet cable from your internet source fully plugged into the WAN/Internet Port of the Router?

    1. This port is commonly separate from the other ports and is Yellow, Blue, or Orange.

    2. If you have our Managed Router this would be Port 1 with Internet written below the port.
Wirelessly Connected Customer (Dish)

Is Power Cabling Correct?

  1. Is the Dish's Power Cable properly seated into the power Brick?

  2. Is the Dish's Power Supply properly seated into the wall socket or power strip?

  3. If using a power strip:

    1. Is the power strip properly seated into the wall socket?

    2. Is the power strip turned on and powering other devices?

    3. If the power strip has a light indicator, is it lit up?

  4. Is the Dish's power supply or power strip possibly plugged into a switched socket and is turned off?

Is the Dish's Power Supply Powering On?

  1. Is the Dish's Power Supply light indicator lit up?

  2. If the light indicator is flashing, visibly burnt or melted, and/or has a burnt smell:
    Please unplug the power supply and call (574)277-7720 to speak with a Support Representative,
    or fill out our Issue Form just below the Support FAQ.

    These symptoms could indicate a shorted Power Supply.

Direct Connect Customers
Please follow the Router Troubleshooting FAQ.
I followed through all the troubleshooting on this page and I still need help?
Please call (574)277-7720 to speak with a Support Representative, or fill out our Issue Form just below the Support FAQ.

Support Inquiry Form
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Please describe your support inquiry in as much detail as you possibly can. One of our team members will contact you as soon as they are available.
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If you have any picture(s) that describe your support inquiry please upload them here.